Friday, August 13, 2010

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop

Okay I figured out how to do the logo!  It was so easy, but I am impressed with myself!!! 

Jennifer at Crazy-For-Books hosts this each week.  Her question this week is "How many books do you have on your TBR shelf?"

Well to be honest I don't have them on a shelf ;) they are in boxes, I currently have 70 right now.  As for whats on my various lists I have at home, at work and on sticky notes all over are probably about 300 and growing as I read everyone's wonderful blogs!!!  I'm hoping to get about 10 read before I buy any more.  Let's hope I can do that, seriously buying books is an addiction!!!

Question for you, when you buy a book but by the time you think about reading it, it no longer sounds good, do you still try it anyway?


  1. Found you on the Hop :) Buying books is a huge addiction (and I'm worried about someday moving in with the Boyfriend because I KNOW he won't be pleased with all the space my books take up..)
    To answer your question: I do still try to read them, but sometimes I put a book off for a long time. Sometimes I'll really randomly get in the mood to read a book that I wasn't interested in.

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm like you I have books that I want to add to my list written down on sticky notes when I visit other sites. It is an addiction and I suffer from it as well.

    To answer your questions, depending on how much I really want to read it and how good the reviews are I will still try.

  3. Just popping in via the hop to say hi, I'm a new follower! Buying is an addiction, but it's a good one:) I usually still give a book a try even if I've lost interest by the time I get to it. I figure I bought it for a reason in the first place, so might as well find out what that was:)


  4. Just hopping in to say hello. I'm a new follower. Have a great weekend!

  5. Hi there. I didn't post the hop this week, but I'm still visiting. I look forward to reading your reviews. I hope you make your goal.

  6. Found you via the Hop and I'm now a new follower.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  7. I'm your 13th follower and its Friday the 13th how cool is that! Drop in and check out my blog if you get a chance. Have an awesome weekend!

  8. I got too many but thats ok!

    Have a blast hopping to/following new blogs or finding great books!

    Here is my /Book blogger hop/Follow me/Friday Find post!

  9. Visiting from the HOP and a new follower. I have four chihuahuas that I love and treat just like children!

    As for your question - I will try to read just about anything. But I may not finish everything. And the reviews - oh my goodness, I am way behind.

    I hope you will have time to come by and visit one of my two blogs: Holocaust Resources or Library Cats Book List !!

    Have a great weekend!
